Sr.No. | Available Room | Quantity | Purpose of Use |
1. | Principal office | 1 | Administration |
2. | Office | 1 | Official /Clerical |
3. | Staff Room | 1 | Teacher’s Common Room |
4. | Class Room | 2 | For I & II Year Of Students.
(Teaching Learning Process)
5. | Work Education Room | 1 | For Work Education. |
6. | Science Laboratory | 1 | Science Practical Demonstration |
7. | Computer Room | 1 | For Computer Education. |
8. | Psychology Laboratory | 1 | For Psychology Practical’s |
9. | Library + A.V Room | 1 | Reading /Study + A.V. Purpose. |
- Play Ground
- Tow Clock Rooms.
- I) Drinking Taps = 12
- II) Wash Basins = 06
III) Bath Tapes = 02
- IV) No. Of Toilets = 03
(For Student
V)No. Of Toilets = 03
(For Staff)
- VI) Changing Room = 02
- MULTIPURPOSE PLACE (terrace) – For Storage And For Physical Activities + Guidance.
- Lift
5.Big Broad Stairs
(I) I Year Class =No. Of Benches = 18
Teacher’s Table Chair= 1+1
Black Board =1
Notice Board = 1
(II) II Year Class = No. Of Desk = 28
No. Of Benches = 26
Teacher’s Table Chair = 1+1
Black Board = 1
Notice Board = 1
(III) Teacher’s
Common Room = No. Of Tables = 04
No. Of Chair = 08
Teacher’s Locker = 01
Cupboard For Book
(IV) Principla’s Office = No. Of Tables = 03
Cupboard (Steel) = 02
Wall Cupboards = 03
Chairs = 05
(V) Office = No. Of Cupboards = 02
Fillinf Cupboards = No. of Table = 1
No. Of Chairs = 2
(VI) Work = No. of Table = 2
Education No. Of Chairs = 2
Room Cupboard For Articles = 3
Swing Machine
(VII) Science = No.Of Demonstration
Laboratory Table = 2
No.Of Stools = 20
No. Of Cupboards = 3
Standing Boards = 1
(VIII) Psychology = No.Of Cupboard = 1
Laboratory No. Of Tables = 1
(IX) Library = No.Of Cupboard = 8
No. Of Tables = 5
No. Of Chairs = 30
Magazine Rack = 1
Map And Chart Cupboard = 2
Teaching Aids Cupboard = 1
A.V Aids Trolly = 1
(X) Computer = No. Of Tables = 2
Room No. Of Chairs = 15
No. Of Cupboard = 1
(7) A.V Aids Facilities.
(i) No. of computers = 06
(ii) No. of T.V = 01
(iii) no. of C.R.V = 01
(iv)Tape Recorder = 01
(v) Mike = 01
(vi) Type Writer = 01
(i) Science Practical Equipents.
(ii) Psychology Practicals Equipents
(iii) maths –geometrical equipments.
(iv) Work Education Equipents – Swing machine.
(v) Physical Education Equipents (doubles, lazims,etc)
(vi) Type Writer (1)
(vii) Cyclostyle Machine (1)
(viii) No. Of Notice Board (5)
(ix) teachinf Aids Of all Subjects.
(x) Fridge (1)
(9) Library Books + Magzine
- In our Library almost 5650 books are available of all subject and G.K ,novels ,reference book, syllabus,dictionaries,encyclopaedia and magazine.
(10)News Paper
- Daily news paper = Inquilab.
(11)Room Condition.
- All rooms are airy,having fukk sublight,proper air circulation.
(12)Water Facilities.
- In our college drinking water taps are 12,there is proper connection.We are getting drinking water provided by B.M.C.
(13)Drainage facilities are also proper.